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Sir Management - P.zza Matteotti, 2/3A - 16123 Genova (GE) - Tel: 0102468634 - e-Mail: info@sirsports.it
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Our goal is to constantly monitor the international market, with a specific focus on countries where we have a greater network, so as to be able to learn about the most interesting profiles in that area.

We use specific platforms for both video analysis and statistical analysis.
We update a deep database of observed footballers daily.

Our scouting work allows us to immediately identify profiles that can be used for the requests of the club we work with. Similarly, we can identify potential options for any players leaving the club, in order to also support in the context of transfers.

© 2021-24 Sir Sports International Rispoli Srl Tutti i diritti riservati.
P.zza Matteotti, 2/3A - 16123 Genova (GE) - Tel: 010 2468634
P.I.: 03780590109
e-Mail: info@sirsports.it  

CREDITS: E-TECH di Novello G. on nPress 2403